831-421-1877 call/text
Your Wellness Connection
Shoden, Reiki Level I (Beginning Teachings)
Are You Ready to be Less Stressed, More Grounded, and Genuinely Happier?
Would you like to have less anger and worry and more love and compassion for yourself and others?
Are You Looking for More Profound Ways to Help Others...and Yourself?
I teach a classical Japanese form of Reiki called Usui Reiki Ryoho. This form has its roots in Japan and is not the same form as is normally taught in the West. With Usui Reiki Ryoho, the focus is on personal and spiritual development in addition to hands-on-healing.
Shoden, a Japanese word meaning first teaching, will introduce you to the powerful System of Reiki and help you establish a conscious connection to the energy of Reiki. You already have Reiki energy- you already are Reiki energy. This course is designed to reacquaint you with your own innate Reiki energy and to teach you meditations and techniques to continue deepening your connection that you can do at home. With this beginning course, you can begin your powerful spiritual journey of healing and awakening to your own true nature.
In this beginning course, you will learn:
- What Reiki is
The history of Reiki
The five elements of the System of Reiki
Your connection to the energy of Reiki
Classical Japanese meditations and breathing techniques
Self treatment
Treatments with others
Benefits of this course include:
- Learning to relax and center yourself
Having less anger, less worry, and less fear
Connecting more deeply with your true nature
Starting to heal yourself and others on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels
Becoming a part of the Reiki Community
Receiving on-going support from your teacher
Consciously utilizing the energy of Reiki to change and enhance your life and situation
Time is reserved for lots of practice and meditation, so that by the end of the class, you have a full experience of the energy Reiki, putting you in a great position to practice what you learn at home.
Upon successful completion of this course, you will receive a Shoden Level I Reiki Certification in Usui Reiki Ryoho.
Once trained, you are invited to join the Reiki Expansion Group. We meet several times each month to deepen our connection to Reiki. This includes a guided meditation or technique, attunements, a healing circle, followed by group Reiki...where everyone gets a treatment from the group.
“By simply relaxing, being quiet, breathing and having a heartfelt intention to help another being, you create a sacred space.
In this space, all things are possible.”
Kathleen Prasad
Recommended Reading
This class is based on teachings by Frans Stiene, internationally known teacher and practitioner. To understand the basics of what you will be learning before you attend class, it is recommended that you read his book titled, The Japanese Art of Reiki.
Next Class:
Date: (2-day class) January 18 & 25 (Saturdays)
Time: 9:30a-4:30p (1 hour on our own for lunch)
Location: Ben Lomond, CA
Cost: $275
To Register: email joyce@joyceleonard.com or call/text 831-421-1877
Upcoming Classes:
April 20 (Sunday) & April 26 (Saturday)
July TBD
Certified Reiki Training
“There is a soul force in the universe which, if we permit it,
will flow through us and produce miraculous results.”
Mahatma Gandhi
Click to access information on the workshop:
Okuden, Reiki Level II (Inner Teachings)
Do You Want to Deepen Your Personal Healing Journey?
Want to Know How to Offer Reiki to Those Who are Not in Your Physical Presence?
Are You Ready to Become a Professional Reiki Practitioner?
I teach a classic Japanese form of Reiki called Usui Reiki Ryoho. This form has its roots in Japan and is not the same form as is normally taught in the West. With Usui Reiki Ryoho, the focus is on personal and spiritual development in addition to hands-on-healing.
Okuden, a Japanese word meaning inner teaching, will introduce you to the classical Japanese symbols and mantras of the powerful System of Reiki that you will use as tools to enable you to deepen your connection to the energy of Reiki. You will be taught meditations and techniques that will help you offer Reiki to those not in your physical presence (distance Reiki). In addition, you be introduced to the basics of how to give a professional Reiki treatment.
In this intermediate course, you will learn:
- Advanced classical meditations and techniques
Three symbols and three mantras
"Distance" healing
The basics of a professional Reiki treatment
Benefits of this course include:
- A deeper connection to Reiki's healing energy
Developing a personal spiritual meditation practice
Enhancing your ability to heal on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels
Gaining the foundation to become a professional Reiki practitioner
Becoming a part of the Reiki Community
Receiving on-going support and guidance from your teacher
Consciously utilizing the System of Reiki to change and enhance your life and situation
Time is reserved for lots of practice and meditation, so that by the end of the class, you have a full experience of Reiki energy and a full knowledge of the System of Reiki, putting you in a great position to practice what you learn at home and to start treating others for pay.
Upon successful completion of this course, you will receive a Okuden Level II Reiki Certification in Usui Reiki Ryoho.
Once trained, you are invited to join the Reiki Expansion Group. We meet several times each month to deepen our connection to Reiki. This includes a guided meditation or technique, attunements, a healing circle, followed by group Reiki...where everyone gets a treatment from the group.
"As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world...
as in being able to remake ourselves."
Mahatma Gandhi
​Recommended Reading
This class is based on teachings by Frans Stiene, internationally known teacher and practitioner. To understand the basics of what you will be learning before you attend class, it is recommended that you read his book titled, The Inner Heart of Reiki
Next Class:
Date: (2-day class) March 23 & 30 (two Sundays)
Time: 9:30a-4:30p (1 hour on our own for lunch)
Location: Ben Lomond, CA
Cost: $325
Prerequisite: Reiki Level I training
To Register: email joyce@joyceleonard.com or call/text 831-421-1877
Upcoming Classes:
June, 2025
Shinpiden, Reiki Level IIIA - Reiki Master Course (Mystery Teachings)
Are You ready to discover the Mysteries of Life?
Is it time to amplify your spiritual practice and step into the Great Bright Light space?
Would you like to experience yourself as pure love and oneness?
I teach a classical Japanese form of Reiki called Usui Reiki Ryoho. This form has its roots in Japan and is not the same form as is normally taught in the West. With Usui Reiki Ryoho, the focus is on personal and spiritual development in addition to hands-on-healing.
The third, and final, level to the system of Reiki is Shinpiden (meaning Mystery Teachings). This is the beginning of your Master's training. Here, we learn the 4th symbol in Reiki, the Great Bright Light, and most of our meditations and techniques during class will be focused on feeling our connection to the Great Bright Light that is already inside of each of us.
This class does not include the Reiki Teacher training. This will come later, in IIIB. It is important to first develop a personal relationship with the energy of Reiki and to start to discover our relationship with ourselves and with the universe before we start teaching others. The more we "become" Reiki, the more authentically we can teach others.
This Master course will focus on:
The self-empowerment and personal development attained through a strong energetic connection to the energy of Reiki
Developing further your personal knowledge and experience of the concept of Oneness
Working with the fourth symbol and mantra and tapping into the knowing that you are the Great Bright Light
Classical Japanese meditations and breathing techniques
Treatments with others
This class is great for existing Master students as well as Reiki Level II students.
Time is reserved for lots of practice and meditation, so that by the end of the class, you have a rich experience of who you really are - your True Self - and have extensive knowledge of the System of Reiki. This puts you in a solid position to deepen your own healing and start treating others on a more profound level.
Upon successful completion of this course, you will receive the Shinpiden Level IIIB Reiki Master Certification.
This class does not include training or certification for a Reiki teacher. This is achieved in part IIIB.
"Behind all the doing, all the roles, you just are – pure awareness,
the light before consciousness, pure energy."
Ram Dass
Recommended Reading
This class is based on teachings by Frans Stiene, internationally known teacher and practitioner. To understand the basics of what you will be learning before you attend class, it is recommended that you read his book titled, The Way of Reiki.
Next Class:
Date: (3-day class) February 9, 16, & 23, 2025 (Sundays)
Time: 9:30a-4:30p (1 hour on our own for lunch)
Location: Ben Lomond, CA
Cost: $475
Prerequisite: Reiki Level II training
To Register: email joyce@joyceleonard.com or call/text 831-421-1877
Upcoming Classes:
November, 2025
Reiki Gatherings
Shinpiden, Reiki IIIB (Reiki Master Teacher Course)
Is it time to step into the teaching role of the powerful healing art of Reiki?
Would you like to BE Reiki energy?
Are you ready to support others on their own healing journey?
When we teach Reiki, we also deepen our own practice...we learn Reiki at a micro level, we learn how to stay in the Great Bright Light space during our entire class, and we realize what we need to focus on during our own personal practice.
I teach a classical Japanese form of Reiki called Usui Reiki Ryoho. This form has its roots in Japan and is not the same form as is normally taught in the West. With Usui Reiki Ryoho, the focus is on personal and spiritual development in addition to hands-on-healing.
The third, and final, level to the system of Reiki is Shinpiden (meaning Mystery Teachings). In part IIIB, we learn how to be a Reiki teacher, including how to perform the attunements, what to teach, and various teaching methods.
This Master Teacher course will focus on:
Learning how to perform the attunements at all levels of Reiki
What and how to teach all levels of Reiki
What it means to be a Reiki teacher
Each student leading the class on at least two lessons from each Level training, gaining full knowledge and experience of teaching all the levels of Reiki
Stepping into the Great Bright space...and teaching from this perspective
This class is great for new teachers as well as existing Master Teachers. I've taken this class from my teacher eleven times since 2007 and I am still going deeper with the subject matter, with the meditations and techniques, and with my personal practice!
You will receive all training manuals and a Shinpiden Reiki Master Teacher Certification.
The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.
William A. Ward
Next Class:
Date: (4-day class) 2025
Time: 9:30a-4:30p
Location: Ben Lomond, CA
Cost: $775
Prerequisite: Reiki Level IIIA Shinpiden Master training with Santa Cruz Reiki Works, or with the International House of Reiki
To Register: email joyce@joyceleonard.com or call/text 831-421-1877
Starting Your Own Reiki Business
Are you ready to start your side-job or full-time career in Reiki?
Would you like to be your own boss and run your own business?
Are you ready to support others on their own healing journey?
Having your own Reiki business and seeing clients can be a very rewarding experience! Regardless on how robust you want your business, there can be some legal and other logistics to work out. How you talk with potential and existing clients, how you engage during the session, and what follow-ups you do can make or brake your business success.
Come and learn the basics of starting and running your own small business. We'll spend the first half of the class learning about business basics. During the second half of the class, you will learn how to do a session with a client starting with the pre-session, the session itself, and ending with the post-session. There will be time to practice a full in-person session.
“Your business exists to provide you a vehicle to live out your passion and purpose in life
while delivering value to others”
Michael Millman
Next Class:
Date: Jan 11 (Saturday) & Jan 26 (Sunday)
Time: 1p-4p each day
Location: Ben Lomond, CA
Cost: $165
Prerequisite: Reiki Level II
To Register: email joyce@joyceleonard.com or call/text 831-421-1877